25 Ways To Embrace Your Feminine Energy (Part 2)

Precious Self
8 min readMar 24, 2024


Polarity ignites desire — the greater the difference, the more captivating the attraction. Biology and Mother Nature etch this magnetic, magical design into existence.

Masculine and feminine magnetism permeates all of life. The Chinese Yin/Yang symbol acknowledges the convergence of opposites. Yin: the feminine essence of receptivity, Yang: the masculine vigour of action.

The gap has blurred in recent centuries alongside societal shifts in roles and attitudes, escalating divorce rates, and the old template for relationships no longer working. Our biology remains unaltered while society endures cultural homogenization. Hence, let’s explore natural feminine energies to ponder as you explore the source of true power: the divine feminine self.

I’ve witnessed exponential improvements in the strength and quality of my friendships and relationships, and lower stress levels when embracing feminine energy for a greater balance of masculine and feminine energy.

Here are the next five feminine energy traits and how to tune into them:

Strong Boundaries

Getting super clear on what you want/don’t want. Saying I don’t/I want without…



Precious Self

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